!±8±Nikon D40 6.1MP Digital SLR Camera Kit with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor Lens
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Price : $499.95
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 18:28:02
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The new Nikon D300 is a marvelous camera with a lot of extra functions over the D200. The larger viewing screen for one, is a big plus and is really just a mini LCD screen.
BUT like all cameras there are many shortcuts and ways to do things that are not always obvious, unless you read and understand the small novel of an instruction book that comes with the camera. What this article is about is showing a few basic shortcuts that will help make life a bit easier.
THE first simple one is that just by hitting the the info button (the one with the Key symbol) just below the Menu button, you get a display of all the camera information that is in the top info panel, very easy to see especially if your eyesight is not as good as it was.
YOU can make all your normal adjustments and they will change as you alter them. The next thing is a quick way to zoom in on the subject, this is the way to set it up. Push the Menu button, then using the multi-selector button go to the Pencil icon.
Scroll down to "f Controls"
Right click on the multi-selector button which will show, "Multi-Selector Centre Button".
Right click again and go to Playback Mode" Right click and go to "Zoom on/off
Again right click and you will have 3 options, Low, Medium or High, pick which one suits you best. Medium or High for checking focus, Low to get in close to see facial expressions when doing a portrait, you can still use the plus and minus buttons on the left to move in closer or move out as normal. And you can still use the scroll wheel to flick through all your photographs at the same magnification.
ONE other thing that could be of great use is that you can set up the back scroll wheel to flip through the photographs instead of using the Multi selector wheel.
This time go to f 7 "Customize Command Dials" right click and go down to "Menus and Playback" Click that to "ON"
AND one last tip, make sure that the f 9 "No memory card" is set to lock, that way you will not accidentally take photographs without a card in the camera.
Hope these will be of use to you.
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Too many great winter scenes are never photographed
Unfortunately a lot of great winter images are never shot. The reason for this is the unpleasant cold and sometime wet weather conditions keeping photographers inside. Another reason is the technical aspects. Photographing winter scenes is challenging and often the images is exposed wrong giving a too dark and dull image. Both the weather conditions and the technical parts fortunately can be dealt with. Know how to photograph winter scenes and you will soon be shooting great winter images.
Proper clothing for a cold winter day
First and very important when you go out for winter photography is to use proper warm clothing. Wear appropriate winter shoes with good grip on snow and ice, because you do not want to fall. Good footwear not only keeps you warm, but you will also be able to climb difficult winter trail for better vantage points. You will also need a pair of warm gloves preferably a slim type because you will need to operate the cameras settings.
Know your camera and take control
Winter photography is as mentioned challenging, but by knowing the right tricks it can easily be coped with. The most important is to take control of your camera and use manual settings. Learn how you use your cameras manual exposure settings as well as the exposure compensation. Read the camera manual before you go out because you do not want to fiddle with the setting in the cold.
Protect your equipment
Make sure that your camera is protected from snow and water. Put the camera in a large Ziploc bag and cut a hole for the lens. Condense on the camera lens is a common problem when photographing outside in cold weather. Most important is to avoid warming and cooling your camera because this will cause condensation. In the case you get snow on your camera or lens, don't try to blow the snow off with your breath as this will certainly cause condense. The condense will disappear with time so be patient and do not try to wipe it off.
Cold is tough for the batteries
Most cameras will work fine in very cold temperatures. The big challenge is the batteries which is not as durable in cold conditions as in the warm. Differently from the camera and lenses, the battery should be kept as warm as possible at all times. You can do this by keeping them in the car if you have one or inside your warm clothes near to the body. Keeping an extra battery is also a good advise when shooting in cold weather. Nothing is more frustrating than running out of batteries when you have the perfect subject in sight.
How to expose in snow and bright light conditions
In snow photography most of the landscape is white or extremely bright. A camera meter is designed to evaluate lights and darks, average them and give you a neutral grey or middle tone neutral reading. In snow photography the meter is fooled to think it is measuring lights and darks and then giving a neutral grey reading. As most of the frame is white or very bright in snow conditions the meter will underexpose and the snow will end up grey and not white.
Most of us want the snow to appear white. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prevent the snow getting grey. You will need to overexpose from the meter reading. A good idea is to switch the camera to Manual mode and shoot the images overexposed. Alternatively you can use the camera exposure compensation. The amount of overexposure necessary varies depending on the lighting conditions and how white you want the snow to look. As a rule of thumb you can try with 1 - 2 1/2 stops. A great thing with digital cameras is the possibilities of viewing the image on the LCD immediately. Use the LCD and make corrections.
As soon you master how to expose when shooting winter scenes you will find a lot of potential winter motives. Why not shoot frozen ice, frozen waterfalls, even a grey winter sky can be a nice motive converted to black and white. Snow and ice has a lot of textures and patterns so pick up your macro lens and go exploring.
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